dough and batter calculator

from solar plasma inferno
released again on earth
gentle heat browning
bonds melding, un-melding
fuel for life’s own slow fire
burning into earth

pizza dough recipe results

baker's percentage calculator

This calculator uses the "baker's percentage" where each ingredient is expressed as a percentage of the largest ingredient (in this case flour is 100%). This method allows any recipe to be easily scaled for any amount of flour. Print out your final formula for future reference.


Type your dough formula name here

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Data and notes cleared on page exit

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1. Flour

Enter flour weights directly; or find flour needed for a target weight.

1.1 Target weight


To determine the amount of flour required to reach a target dough weight first enter target below, then all non-flour ingredients in baker's percentages in Section 2. Use final total hydration %, yeast % and salt % etc. The resultant required flour amount(s) need to be entered into Section 1.2. The weights of other ingredients will be shown after the flour amount(s) have been entered.

Remember 10% of dough weight (or more) may be lost in cooking. Use kitchen calculator to adjust your target weight to account for this shrinkage.

Target weight in grams

This field is required

Flour = grams

1.2 Flour weights


If you are using a preferment, then after determining the amount of flour required enter preferment flour and liquid/water amounts separately in Sections 1 and 2. Adjust additional flour and water amounts to ensure the correct final weight and hydration.

For example, you aim for 860g of dough at 70% hydration and 2% salt. You calculate that 500g of flour is needed for your dough. You plan to use 180g of sourdough starter at 100% hydration. The 1st flour weight will be 50% of the starter or 90g. This is 18% of the total planned flour weight (500g). The additional 2nd flour will be 410g to make it up to 500g. The 1st liquid/water amount will also be 18% (the other half of the preferment or 90g). The 2nd liquid/water should then be adjusted to 52% to give a final desired 70% hydration (an additional 260g of water).

1st flour weight in units eg. grams

This field is required

Name 1st flour

This field is required

2nd flour weight in units eg. grams

This field is required

Name 2nd flour

This field is required

3rd flour weight in units eg. grams

This field is required

Name 3rd flour

This field is required

Total flour weight 100% = grams

2. Non-flour ingredients in baker's percent


Complete only as many fields as required or desired. Type and name are optional, but they will be added to formula when printed / PDF-ed.

1st water % eg. preferment

This field is required

Type of 1st liquid used

This field is required


2nd water/liquid percent

This field is required

Type of 2nd liquid used

This field is required

Total hydration = % or grams

salt percent (can be omitted or set to normal 2% etc.)

This field is required

Type of salt used

This field is required


yeast percent (instant dry used for default)

This field is required

Type of yeast used

This field is required

Type your Oil / Fat in baker's %

This field is required

Type of oil used

This field is required

Type your Sugar in baker's %

This field is required

Type of sugar used

This field is required

Type your Egg in baker's % 1 egg is about 55g

This field is required

Type of egg used

This field is required

Type your First other %

This field is required

Name 1st other %

This field is required

Type your second other %

This field is required

Name 2nd other %

This field is required

Type your third other %

This field is required

Name third other ingredient %

This field is required

Type your fourth other %

This field is required

Name third other ingredient %

This field is required

Total weight = grams

Number of portions

This field is required

Each = grams


g 1st flour
g 2nd flour
g 3rd flour
Total flour g

g 1st liquid
g 2nd liquid
Total liquid g

g Salt
g Yeast
g Oil/Fat
g Sugar
g Egg


Total g

Optional calculations

i. Baker's percent for an ingredient

After flour weight has been added in Section 1 find the baker's percentage of an ingredient

Weight of ingredient in grams

This field is required

= Baker's

ii. Weight of an ingredient

After flour weight has been added in Section 1 find the weight of an ingredient by baker's percentage

Weight of ingredient in grams

This field is required

= or

iii. Approximate volumes to weight

Calculate the approximate weight of ingredients using cups and other volume measures that are often found in recipes

enter number of cups

This field is required

select units

This field is required

select ingredient

This field is required

= or

Kitchen calculator

Use buttons like a calculator, or enter calculation directly into the result area by clicking/tapping it and using a keyboard, then when ready press = button.

tape of inputs

This field is required

Results area, expressions can be entered here

This field is required


1) Account for dough shrinkage and weight loss, which may vary due to cooking method or bread shape. Use the following formula: Initial Weight = desired finished weight / (1 - percent weight loss). You have found your baguettes loose 12% of their dough weight. For a finished weight you want 3 x 200g baguettes. The dough required is 600/(1-12%) = 681.82g

2) You have determined that about 340 grams of dough is a good amount for your style of 12" pizza (I have too ...). This is 200g flour at 65% hydration with a little yeast, oil and sugar. Use the calculator to find how much dough you would need for one square inch of pizza so you can make larger or smaller pizzas accurately. This is so that thickness and cooking time are the same.

Area of a pizza = pi*radius^2
Number of square inches in a 12" pizza = pi*6^2 = 113 sq inch
Number of grams per sq inch = 340/113 grams = 3 g

Amount of dough required:
10" pizza = pi*5^2*3 = 236 g
12" pizza = pi*6^2*3 = 339 g
14" pizza = pi*7^2*3 = 462 g
16" pizza = pi*8^2*3 = 603 g

3) Conversions between metric and US use to, eg. convert pounds (lb) or ounces (oz) to kilograms (kg) or grams (g) enter eg. 2lb+3oz to g; 100g to oz.

4) Percentages of ingredients use %, eg. 65% of 500 grams enter 500g*65%. You can calculate using metric and US units together, eg. 500g*65% to oz.

5) Convert cooking temperatures between degress fahrenheit (degF) and degrees celsius (degC), eg. 450degF to degC or 220degC to degF.

Example Formulas

White Dough
100% strong bread flour
65-70% water
1% salt
1.2% yeast

Olive Dough
100% strong bread flour
65-70% water
1% salt
1.2% yeast
10% olive oil
4% semolina (coarse)

Brown Dough
60% strong wholemeal flour
40% strong white flour
65-70% water
1% salt
1.2% yeast

Milk Bread
100% strong white flour
12% butter
1% sugar
1% salt
1.2% yeast
40% water
25% full fat milk

Easter Buns
100% plain flour
6% butter
9% caster sugar
0.5% salt
2% yeast
2% mixed spice
18% egg
50%-55% full fat milk
40% mixed dried fruit

Seaweed Bread
50% strong white flour
50% strong wholemeal flour
65-70% water
1% salt
1.2% yeast
2% dried wakame seaweed

Multigrain Brown Bread
40% strong wholemeal flour
35% strong white flour
25% multi-grain flour
65-70% water
1% salt
1.2% yeast

Rye Dough
80% strong white flour
20% dark rye flour
65-70% water
1% salt
1.2% yeast

Sweet Dough
100% strong white flour
12% unsalted butter
8% caster sugar
1% salt
1.2% yeast
20% egg
50%-55% full fat milk

Buttery Shortbread Cookies
100% self-raising flour (all purpose flour with 4% baking powder)
50% melted salted butter
50% sugar
50% inclusions (choc bits, dried fruit etc.)
20% liquid, eg. 17% milk and 3% vanilla extract

Batter recipes:

Pound cake
100% flour
100% butter
100% sugar
100% egg
2% vanilla

100% flour
120% milk
20% melted butter
9% sugar
33% egg
2.7% baking powder
2% salt

Approximate dough and batter percentages

Table of Doughs and Batters using Baker's Percentages
Formula for:

Total weight g

Number of portions

Each portion g

Ingredients in percent

1 Flour

2 Flour

3 Flour

Total flour

1 Liquid

2 Liquid

Total liquid






1 Other

2 Other

3 Other

4 Other

Ingredients in grams

1 Flour


2 Flour


3 Flour


Total flour


1 Liquid


2 Liquid


Total liquid












1 Other


2 Other


3 Other


4 Other

